So here I am, back in London after a week staying with Andrew and family in Orlando. In the words of Destroyer, "All good things must come to an end/The bad ones just go on forever" - which seems all too true at the moment. My body doesn't know what time it is, which doesn't help (rather than be sensible and go to sleep when I got in, I went straight out to 10am Mass and then met Chris and Neil for lunch, beers and coffee, and then did go to sleep around 5pm. It's now 7pm and I'm confused).
It was an awesome week. Nothing earthshattering happened, but then I'm not really an earthshattering event type of guy. We hung out, went pawn-shop-hopping, visited Thurston and Jamie and their three beautiful children, went to the beach - all regular type stuff, but cool nonetheless. This may just be the jetlag talking, but it didn't seem like I was there for just a week. I love the place, the people - I don't think I ever met a Floridian I didn't like - (in short, I just love it) and somehow my visits seem to take on a sort of epic feel. Going back to work is going to take some getting used to.
I'm not going to relive the trip in detail here - that would be boring - but I will give mention to an odd feeling that grew on me during my stay. Whenever we would hang out, no matter where we were, I always had the sense that someone was missing from the room. You know the feeling you get when you're with a bunch of people and someone goes out of the room to use the bathroom or fix a drink; you don't notice them leave, but when you look up, you feel someone is missing even though you can't immediately identify who or where they've gone.

Well I had this feeling all week, except I would look around the room and everyone would be there; no-one would
actually be missing. I've sometimes had the feeling before, but never over such an extended period. This was capped, in almost synchronicitous fashion, by the fact that the seat next to me on the flight home was empty (I think the check-in agent took a liking to me, as she gave me the best seat on the 'plane). I don't know for sure where this feeling has come from or why I have it, although I have one pretty obvious idea.
I should take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Amber, Andrew, Mary, Richard and everyone else who showed me such great hospitality and kindness during my stay. I really do appreciate it, and y'all are welcome in London any time (until I move to Florida, that is).
For those of you pondering the title of the post, I realise Krocsyldiphithic is not a real word (it's a South Park reference) but I do sorta sympathise with Kyle being asked to spell it. "Can I have a definition please" "Krocsyldiphitic - something which has a Krocsyldiph-like quality". That's kinda how my life is right now, frustrating and impervious to rational thought. I know it'll improve - I just need to get on with moving and settling down. Damn this period of limbo!
The missing person was me, OBVIOUSLY ;-)
Glad to hear you had a great trip. Makes me very nostalgic for Orlando.
Jack, it was awesome to the max. You left your Johnny Cash cd here - I'll put it in the mail for you when I get a chance.
I wonder who that missing person was. There were certainly fewer people around this time than during your previous visits. Maybe it was just a friendly ghost...or even the Holy Ghost. Who knows?
Am: any time you want to come back, you're welcome. We've even talked about doing an annual New Year's British invasion. Sound good?
god damn wingeing pom
Psychologists would look at this phenomenon a number of ways. One would be that you were hanging around or close to someone back in London and didn't think about them on the trip, but your subconscious let you know that someone was missing.
Another thing could be that you were with someone or with people that reminded you of someone in your past, or a group of people in your past that you knew or were "close" to, like "I've done these things before, but they were with similar, but different people."
Paranormal occurrences of this nature often point to someone you were close to who is viewing you from the darkness, just checking up. You perceive them as "almost being there" and wonder where they are.
I'm feeling krocsyldiphithic because I'm sitting in my chare in this (c)litoral setting. (the c is for copyright South Park Studios:-)
Well, I'm gonna take some bong hits and do a line. Have a great day. I hope you made it to Orlando.
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