The dreaded day came - returning to work. Today was possibly one of the darkest ever - it didn't even get light enough to turn off the car headlights. By the end of it I was so depressed I didn't know what to do with myself, other than write on here, drink a beer and go to sleep.
The day held some good news, though. I'm not sure what took me so long, but I realised last night that there is an ideal path to moving to the US, courtesy of Sen. Sarbanes and Rep. Oxley. Their legislation (cunningly named the Sarbanes-Oxley Act), signed into law in 2002 by President Bush, was brought in to sort out the accounting world after the Enron and Worldcom scandals. As luck would have it, the law is so strict that it applies to overseas companies which are owned by US firms, and to UK firms which operate in the US.
The result of all this is that, incredibly, it is possible that I can specialise in work that involves US companies, US laws and US standards - without leaving Britain! I have asked my firm to consider transferring me to the group that deals with this - so fingers crossed they'll allow it. I think at the very least I'll be able to do that sort of work some of the time, but it would be awesome to be able to specialise completely. Then, when I qualify fully in a year's time, I'll be able to transfer to a US-based partner firm through our international network.
I'm not getting too far ahead of myself, because it could all go horribly wrong, but I think it's a pretty good plan...
1 comment:
Jack, good luck with working all of that out. Whether or not Amber and I are still around, I think you might really enjoy living here in Florida. Remember the dude in 'Love Actually'? Plus it's warm and sunny - can't beat that. Hey, you have to check out a band called Destroyer. I may have mentioned them while you were here. It's mainly one guy, Dan Behar, and it's fantastic stuff. Catch you later.
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