Sunday, April 03, 2005

Here at last

Finally, I've got my ass in gear and started one of these things.

Well, I had to find something else to do, having spent the afternoon so far watching the seemingly endless tributes to and analysis of the life of the Pope, John Paul II. It really is the end of an era - he was a great man and I think the world will miss him more than many realised. I've been quite moved by the pictures of mourning all over the world, and particularly in Krakow where both the Pope and my grandfather grew up.

Having said that, I'm hopeful that his successor will have some more tolerant views on certain issues, particularly contraception. The last thing we need is a conservative in the Vatican.

1 comment:

Ambrose said...

Hey hey Jackie!

Sorry not have been in touch much recently, but I was away from work/internet last week, then spent the early part of this week in bed with the flu, so I haven't been keeping up with people as well as I should be.

Glad to see you've started the blog - now comes the real work of keeping it going!

Take care